Des Moines Lawn Care Services
Residential or Commercial
Des Moines is one of many cities in Central Iowa that Sutter Lawns provide the best lawn and yard care service for both residential and commercial properties.
Sutter Lawns provides GREAT property service and lawn care for the yards and lawns of Des Moines and the Central Iowa area!
Lawn & Yard Care Services
Check out all of our lawn care services!
Our 5 step lawn program provides your lawn with all the right nutrients to help maintain the rich color, thickness, and healthy root structure all season long and your lawn looking beautiful.
Lawn Care ProgramIf there was ever a secret ingredient for making your lawn healthy, it would have to be aeration. Aerating your lawn gets much needed oxygen to the roots and allows your lawn to “breathe.”
AerationFor most people, there is nothing more confusing than fertilizing when it comes to lawn care. Fertilizing is absolutely essential to have a healthy, thick, and green lawn.
FertilizingA healthy lawn begins with a foundation of healthy soil full of microorganisms converting debris and plant material into nutrients your lawn needs to grow and thrive. Top dressing or organic lawn dressing adds that back.
Top DressingYour lawn's appearance and health can be improved by eliminating those pesky weeds and keeping them away. We have all seen them creeping into our yards like some silent army, marching slowly across our property.
Weed Control